Baby H loves being outside. It was a little chilly the other day so we had him bundled up. He spent the next few hours playing/napping in the swing while the rest of us picked raspberries and strawberries and weeded the garden and flowerbed.
I am continually amazed at Thing 1's creativity. We were putting the raspberries into a medium sized bowl. He ran into the house and a couple minutes later showed up with this little tin...much funner for a little fellow!
Some were more help then others...
But, all-in-all, it was a great morning for working in the garden. I think next year I might have to try growing broccoli. We all LOVE broccoli! We only wish our steaming tray was larger so we could cook more at a time. Like, a stock pot full. Okay, maybe not that much. But whenever there is broccoli on the table there is a mad dash after prayer to be the first one with the broccoli bowl.
As I was picking the raspberries, I came across this squash plant. I'm not even sure what it is. Pumpkin? Delicata? Spaghetti squash? I'm really not sure. I don't know squash well enough to tell by the leaves. My eldest was going to pull it, but I suggested we let it grow to find out what it is.
An hour outside and it had warmed up enough to take a couple layers off this boy. Not long after he fell right to sleep. It doesn't exactly look comfortable, but he didn't seem to mind.
So tell me... can you tell a squash by it's leaves? I would really like to know!