The weather man was right. I woke up the next morning to snow. I think I was being teased.
Gratefully it was melted before noon and it was warm enough to play outside by the time the party started.
I was able to take a mini vacation and visit some family and friends over the weekend. I had so much fun! As I was packing I realized it was only the second time in seven years (since I was married) that I wasn't packing for or sharing suitcase space with someone else. In fact, I was able to pack all my things in a bag not much larger than a purse. It was fabulous! Of course, I went shopping and came home with twice the amount. Like it said, it was fabulous!
However, I did miss my little family.
Daddy was spectacular. Every day was another party. Apparently, Saturday lunch was a nutritious combination of cheeto puffs, cereal, root beer, french bread and yogurt. As I was closing the door to leave I heard my six year-old say something. Thinking he must be expressing his disappointment on my departure I thought it best to go back in and reassure him that all would be well and he would enjoy his time with daddy. I opened the door and asked if he had said something to me, to which he replied, "No, I am just planning our boy party."
Pretty sure it was an enjoyable weekend for all!