24 May 2010


Have I mention, I LOVE countdown chains?  So fun!

Just added a few more to my etsy shop.

18 May 2010

Daily Dialogue

"Mom, take a picture of me getting the earwax out of my ear."
"Okay.  Are you going to eat it?" 
"Ewww, thats gross." (while smiling as though he is actually thinking about it)

17 May 2010


We had our first official outside-on-a-blanket picnic today.  Gone are the days (at least for a few months) of pitching the blanket in the living room.

13 May 2010

Ditch Water

In all my years growing up on a farm, I never saw the water come into the ditch.

So when my six year-old came running in the door yesterday exclaiming that the water was coming in "10 minutes!", I was just as excited as he was. 

I quickly finished the dishes, bundled up Thing 1 & Thing 2 and waited for the water to come.  It did.  Finally.  After about 30 minutes.  Take if from me, it is SO hard to wait patiently when you are so ridiculously excited!

The water master had a few guys helping him.  They didn't understand why I was taking pictures. In fact, one of them said, "So, why are you taking pictures of the water?"  He was completely dumbfounded.  

To blog about, of course!

Can you add something to your bucket list once you realize it should have already been there? 

That evening I asked my six year-old what he was thinking when the water was coming in.  In his true character, "I was thinking I want to be one of those guys when I grow up so I can help the water come in the ditch."


10 May 2010

parties, parties and more parties

The weather man was right.  I woke up the next morning to snow.  I think I was being teased.

Gratefully it was melted before noon and it was warm enough to play outside by the time the party started.

I was able to take a mini vacation and visit some family and friends over the weekend.  I had so much fun! As I was packing I realized it was only the second time in seven years (since I was married) that I wasn't packing for or sharing suitcase space with someone else.  In fact, I was able to pack all my things in a bag not much larger than a purse.  It was fabulous!  Of course, I went shopping and came home with twice the amount.  Like it said, it was fabulous!

However, I did miss my little family.

Daddy was spectacular.  Every day was another party.  Apparently, Saturday lunch was a nutritious combination of cheeto puffs, cereal, root beer, french bread and yogurt.  As I was closing the door to leave I heard my six year-old say something.  Thinking he must be expressing his disappointment on my departure I thought it best to go back in and reassure him that all would be well and he would enjoy his time with daddy.  I opened the door and asked if he had said something to me, to which he replied, "No, I am just planning our boy party."

Pretty sure it was an enjoyable weekend for all!

05 May 2010

Hoping For Warmer Days

It's beautiful today.

Really, it's beautiful everyday.  Sometimes it's just hard to see.

It's cold and windy.  It's usually windy here.  The clouds make their way across the sky, occasionally allowing the sun an opportunity to warm our skin.  The wind picks up again.  Goosebumps.

The trees and bushes want to bloom.  Hoping for warmer days.

My sons birthday is tomorrow.  He'll be six.  There will be darts, a treasure hunt, a piñata and mud pie.  The weather man says there will also be rain.  Maybe snow.  Move the piñata and little boys inside?  I sure hope it doesn't rain.  Hopefully their mamas send them over dressed appropriately.

My grass needs cut.  Hoping for warmer days.

Grandma's Eggs

A few nights ago, Fabio* was tucking our children into bed when my first-born said, "(snif snif) something stinks."  Second-born piped in with, "(a long pondering snif) Mmm...it smells good.  Like grandmas eggs.  I'm hungry!"

*Name changed to protect the stinker.